
Perception of Failure and the Psychological Effects on the Nigerian Economy


Failure is a universal experience, yet how societies perceive and respond to it significantly shapes individual and collective growth. In Nigeria, where societal pressures to succeed are often intense, failure is frequently viewed through a lens of stigma. This perception has profound implications for mental health and personal development, and it also plays a crucial role in determining the country’s economic trajectory. Reframing failure as a stepping stone to success is crucial for a nation with a burgeoning youth population and growing industries. Nigeria can improve mental health outcomes and catalyze economic growth by leveraging cognitive-behavioral interventions (CBIs) to shift mindsets around failure.


Salami, M. O. (2024). Perception of Failure and the Psychological Effects on the Nigerian Economy. Journal for Cognitive Therapies and Mental Health, 1, 42–46.


Failure, Perception, Psychological Effects, Nigerian Economy

Author Details

Maureen Ohunene Salami
Teacher, Killeen Independent School District
Kileen, Texas 76543

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