CBT for ADHD in Youth Webinar


This 90-minute on-demand webinar, led by Dr. Clara Lee, will teach you how to deliver CBT therapy effectively via telehealth.

The webinar focuses on adapting traditional in-person CBT techniques for the telehealth format. It will cover:

  • Strategies to overcome challenges of telehealth CBT
  • Collaborative written CBT interventions on telehealth platforms
  • Guiding clients through real-time CBT exercises like behavioral activation and exposure

This 90-minute on-demand webinar, led by Dr. Clara Lee, will teach you how to deliver CBT therapy effectively via telehealth.

The webinar focuses on adapting traditional in-person CBT techniques for the telehealth format. It will cover:

  • Strategies to overcome challenges of telehealth CBT
  • Collaborative written CBT interventions on telehealth platforms
  • Guiding clients through real-time CBT exercises like behavioral activation and exposure


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